Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let's Do This For Kendall

Alright Mousejunkies, Captain Sarcastic has to get serious because I need some advice.  I'm on a mission.  An old friend of mine has a little girl who just turned 4, but will not see 10.  Odds are she won't see 6.  She has a disease called mitochondrial disorder.  To put too fine a point on it, her organs are slowly shutting down.  Every other week I see my friend "check in" from the hospital/ER for some new horrible development.

Yet to her credit, 4 year old Kendall refuses to roll over to this thing.  She is a bright-eyed, laughing, loving, running (when she can) little girl. 
Today my friend and I were chatting and she mentioned Kendall just discovered there's a place called Walt Disney World.  She asked her mom could she go there.  My friend said it broke her heart.  They've got 4 kids and one income, and you can only imagine the medical bills.  I mentioned Make A Wish, and she said even if they were offered a trip, it's unlikely Kendall could do it.  They're afraid to fly with her.  She can't be that far from home and her medical team (yes, at 4 she has a team.)  Not too mention, the thought of contacting M.A.W. made my friend start crying again because it's just another reminder of the gravity of her daughter's condition. 
It hit me.  All she wants to do is meet Cinderella and the gang she sees every morning on MMCH.  If I can't get this girl to them, I'll be damned if there's not a way I can get them to come see her.  Whether it's get a couple characters to literally show up at their door, or get them backstage at the next Disney On Ice.  It would change this girl's life forever. 
So I'm asking you guys for any advice, any connections you might have.  Don't even post it here.  This isn't about "here's how to get special stuff from Disney."  Send me a private message.  Any advice is appreciated.  I'm already working a couple loose connections I have at Make A Wish as well as the local arena where Disney on Ice sets up each year.  This is personal.  I live to bring Disney into people's lives who don't get it like we do.  But this is a mission.

I know what the "magic" has done in my life . . . I can only imagine what it could do for this family.  I hope you guys can forgive a brother for posting a novel here.  But I think you'll understand. 

1 comment:

  1. Get in touch with this mom on FB! Her name is Amber... http://www.facebook.com/amber.greenawalt.5
