Saturday, November 24, 2012


This past summer I was speaking to a friend and fellow animation fan and told her I'd seen Pixar's Brave.  "Ooh, you did?" she asked.  "How was it?"
"It was good," I answered with a bit of a shrug.  "But I really wanted it to be great."

Today I finally got to see Disney's latest animated feature, Wreck-It Ralph.  While I thought the concept was clever enough and the animation looked pretty, I went in expecting it to be shoulder-shrugging "good."  What it was turned out to be freakin' great!
In fact, I'd call it a modern day masterpiece!

I was completely blown away like a loose brick in an unfortunate wall pummeled by Ralph.  Put aside the amazing animation and 3D effects used to their full potential and actually serving the story, this movie is an incredibly well-written, entertaining tale full of heart.  From his first words of dialogue, Ralph is the most likable "bad guy" ever to appear on screen.  You're rooting for him almost immediately, and as a man you feel for his sense of discontentment in his career and desire for more, not materially but spiritually.

The plot is completely original and unique, even if somewhat predictable in a few places.  It's so perfectly executed, even the moments you saw coming don't disappoint.  In fact they still manage to fill your heart with satisfaction.  Don't get me wrong, Wreck-It Ralph threw me more than a few curve balls.
Mentos and diet soda . . . who saw that coming?!?
Even plot devices I figured would return eventually were still used in completely unexpected ways, making even us soured old adults laugh and cheer and want to clap for our brutish hero and his adorable sidekick!

Not only is the story writing near perfection, the voice-casting is spot-on!  While there are plenty of recognizable voices, I wouldn't call any of it "stunt casting" where some big star is hired in the hope their fame will equate to more ticket sales . . .even if their voice doesn't serve the production  (*cough* Rosie O'Donnell in Tazan *cough*)
All these actors seem to have thrown themselves into the roles and it pays off so well!  In fact one actor created such a perfect character, I could not for the life of me figure out who it was!  King Candy is voiced masterfully (with a nod to the late great Ed Wynn) by Alan "It's called a lance" Tudyk of A Knight's Tale and cult-favorite Firefly.  John C. Reilly and Jack McBrayer were born to play their parts, and Sarah Silverman may have actually reinvented her entire career with this movie as Venellope!  We'll have to wait and see what she does next, but Silverman has never been this lovable!

Even Jane Lynch who I will admit I find to be a bit over-saturated right now was fantastic.  And her character is pretty hot too!

I never saw Wreck-It Ralph coming.  I expected a decent, funny animated effort full of video game references, half of which I wouldn't get as a non-gamer, that would fill 90 minutes and keep the kids interested for the most part.  This film will not be relegated to the second shelf of my collection with Bolt, The Wild, or Meet the Robinsons.  Wreck-It Ralph is a new Disney classic.  This movie, even with it's very specific video game references will hold-up and remain timeless.  Ralph will rest alongside Peter Pan and Pinocchio.  I truly believe if Walt could see this movie he would stand and cheer, filled with joy for what his animation studio has accomplished!  They managed to make a beautiful piece of cutting-edge visual art yet placed inside it a beating, feeling heart that touches every audience member regardless of age.  It's not the "Roger Rabbit of video game movies."  It's so much better!
What surprised me the most was how many times I felt myself getting emotional, almost tearing up.  This isn't a video game movie at all.  It touches the human spirit.  Perhaps even more-so for us big guys!
And let's be honest, how bad do I want to play a real Sugar Rush game now?!?

What saddens me just a bit is something that also recalls that earlier conversation I mentioned.  When I told my friend how I kept waiting for Brave to really reveal it's self, to feel that punch in the gut so many earlier Pixar films always delivered, she sighed and cocked her head with concern.
"Do you think Pixar has peaked?" she asked.
I thought for a moment, then told her I didn't want to say it.  I still don't.  It wasn't very long ago there were those who said "Disney Animation is dead!  Pixar is the only hope.  Long live Pixar!"
As Brave kind of fell at the finish line for me, and I see the plan for the next few years is to keep going back to the old Pixar wells and trying to draw up more water, my concern grows. 

I'm certain Pixar's success and the guidance of the great John Lasseter over the last few years helped right the ship, and have steered a new direction for Walt Disney Animation.  Now it seems, at least to me the ship is steering itself beyond perhaps even that captain's vision.  The last Disney animated feature I truly loved was Tangled.  Also NOT a Pixar flick.  And call me what you want, those direct-to-video Tinkerbell movies have for the most part been fantastic.  Especially the most recent offering, Secret of the Wings.  That could & should have been a theatrical release.  Meanwhile, I've been disappointed with the last couple Pixar releases.  Even Toy Story 3, which I did love, played more to our sentimental attachment to those characters, and not a great story.  I'm not saying "screw Pixar, we don't need 'em anymore."  I hope they find their way and aren't just making a few last cash grabs with sequels and prequels, knowing their best is behind them.

What I am saying is Wreck-It Ralph proves that Walt Disney Animation is still the champion.  They may have had a few years on the ropes, but they've sprung back to their feet, stronger and determined, with the eye of the tiger.  They certainly knocked this one out!  I can't wait to read the standings on Monday, as I predict even weeks after it's premiere, Ralph will have pummeled Dreamjerks latest offering, Rise of Tattooed Santa . . . or, uh . . .whatever.  Ralph rules!             

Update:  Since writing this, Wreck-It Ralph received an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature, along with lesser-worthy films Brave and Frankenweenie.  I suppose as long as Disney wins, we all win.  But if the best man shall win, it will be a man with enormous, brick bashing arms!  Go Ralph!!! 

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