This will double the size of that beloved land! Truthfully, the expansion might as well be called Princess Land as, if you've got boys, it won't have much impact other than getting a few more people out of your way for Peter Pan or Mickey's Philharmagic! At least until the final piece is built, The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, a late announcement roller coaster, perhaps a bone thrown to us tripods, but what looks like a nice meaty bone at that!
Inexplicably, the current excitement that has the online Disney fan community trembling with excitement and drooling all over themselves with anticipation (and an insatiable appetite for charcuterie!) Is it a fast, high-tech ride? No! Is it a lights & musical extravaganza show? No!
I'm talking about Be Our Guest, the restaurant . . . ! Wa wa waaaaaa!!!
"You shouldn't have come to the west wing! It's where I store the good stuff!"
That's right ladies & gentleman. Everyone has been losing their stuff over another restaurant opening. But before I get too snarky, Be Our Guest isn't just another restaurant, it's a restaurant with robots! Oh, robots, why didn't you say so? I'll happily forgot another gate-buster attraction for a place to eat. After all, it's not like there's anywhere else to get food in the park . . . ahem.
Okay, as is probably apparent, I'm not exactly stoked about Be Our Guest. It's not that I don't like it. I just don't care. I sincerely don't understand how crazed fans are for a restaurant. I was baffled when a few weeks ago Disney started taking reservations for the new eatery and Disney fans set their alarms to get up before the sun to pour coffee in their eyes and get to dialing. And there was great crying and gnashing of teeth that so many couldn't get through!
But finally, news has filtered out of Fantasyland that might have changed my whole perspective! In it's entire history, Magic Kingdom has never sold alcoholic beverages. All three other parks at Walt Disney World serve beer, wine, and liquor . . . generally in controlled environments. Perhaps not always so controlled in Epcot's World Showcase (again, I'm sorry about that . . . well, those incidents!)
It's all about to change! Be Our Guest released their menu, and to make sure they fit that French theme they are going to pour the wine and cut the cheese!!!
"Whoa . . . that gargoyle's wasted!"
Be Our Guest will offer a variety of wines to compliment the food as well as certain regional (i.e. expensive) beers.
Now they're only going to be served inside the restaurant. You can't walk up to the window and get a traveler as you can at other parks. I've spent many an afternoon peacefully wandering about Animal Kingdom with a Safari Amber in hand (and not "getting wasted" or disturbing any other guests.)
Yet still, the moment these words hit the WWWW (World Wide Whacko-Web) the teetotalers and contrarians lost their $#%&!!!
"This is an outrage!" "Magic Kingdom should NEVER serve alcohol!" "Walt is spinning in his grave!!!"
These are direct quotes I saw online btw. Let's first address that last and put it to bed right away. Walt drank. Deal with it.
Also, ever heard of Club 33? The private restaurant hidden in Disneyland? It serves alcohol. Has since Walt opened it (and drank there) himself.
So Uncle Walt is still resting peacefully with this decision, even if you're not.
Second concern: People will be getting wasted and causing problems in the park. I agree in the other parks there are abuses. The parks need to take control of those situation quickly, swiftly removing the bad apples! Or at least offering them a free bottle of water and place to sit for a few. But those are probably people who have a problem anyway, and as I saw written online, most of the bad interactions with drunks were with drunks who snuck in their own alcohol in resort mugs, etc. That's security's fault. If they can't stop it, they can't stop it. Shouldn't affect my dining experience.
And more importantly, they're only serving in the restaurant with meals. And as I've said before, that joint will be turning tables over faster than the Mad Hatter and the March Hare! You'll be lucky to order a second beer before they're shoving you out the door for the next sitting. Unless it's your first beer and you weigh 75 lbs, it's scientifically impossible to get "wasted." I promise you whatever alcohol is imbibed inside will be sweated out before you can walk to Splash Mountain.
So we come to the final reason I believe most are upset by the introduction of "booze" in Magic Kingdom. You have a personal and more likely MORAL objection to drinking. Well, all I can say is good for you. I don't. I love drinking. It's celebratory. It's social. And when done with self-control and maturity can enhance the enjoyment of many a situation (including reading Disney blogs . . . try it!) Your personal convictions based on whatever you believe shouldn't affect my experience.
Walt not only drank, he smoked like a chimney too and there are still smoking sections in the park. I don't like them (especially the one by Speedway because the exit walkway passes right over it and you must traverse through a cloud of risen cigarette smoke.)
But I realize WDW is for everyone . . . not just me and my personal beliefs! I don't believe in limiting anyone's enjoyment or freedom for my own convictions (dayum, this is gettin' political!)
I know this will change no minds. Those who are against alcohol will dig in. They'll flood Guest Services with complaints. They're probably already firing off angry emails and Tweets! They're speed dialing WDW-DINE to raise cane! Not sugar cane of course because that could lead to the production of rum!
Oh, speaking of rum and moral convictions. If you feel so strongly against drinking alcohol, you should be against it not just in the specific but in all representations. And therefore you shouldn't come to Walt Disney World anyway. Let's see, what is almost EVERY pirate on Pirates of the Caribbean drinking? Kool-Aid? Crystal Lite? What does that beautiful honey-colored bear singing when she lowers from the ceiling in Country Bears? "Tears will be the chaser in my WINE tonight?" And she's holding her Chardonnay as she swings? I'm quite impressed that she never spills since drinking clearly "always" gets you "wasted."
Alright, I was really trying not to get snarky, but I'm losing restraint. Just wanted to throw some thoughts out there. The alcohol is there now. It's an option. Nobody is going to force you to drink. So put on your big boy and big girl pants and ignore it. Don't make a big deal. It's up the management to control it, just like in every other restaurant where the staff is within their rights to cut anyone off. If they don't, it's their liability.
Just strap on your ears and go about your fun!
As will I!
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